St Anne's Catholic School

Our school is well recognised for its Special Catholic Character, the high quality of the learning programmes, the high standard of children’s performance and the support received from the St Anne’s parent and parish community.

Our Houses
Catherine McAuley was the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy. Although she never came to New Zealand, her legacy lives on in the lives of her Sisters and all those who uphold the charism of mercy. Catherine McAuley always put the needs of the poor and vulnerable at heart and her life reminds us of our Mercy Values.
Cecilia Maher was named as the Sister of Mercy who led the group which came from Ireland to New Zealand in 1850 in response to a call from Bishop Pompallier. Cecilia is our link back to Catherine McAuley and the start of the Mercy order; she would have known Catherine before her death in 1841. Cecilia’s bravery in taking on such a huge challenge reminds us that our vision is ‘to see the need and make the difference’. Being women who will make a difference takes courage and persistence. The day after the Sisters arrived in Auckland following their five month voyage, they began teaching and caring for the sick.
St Peter Chanel was the first martyr and Saint of Oceania. It should give us all inspiration to aspire to be just like St Peter Chanel. God calls us to be ‘saints’. St Peter Chanel was a patient, kind, loving and forgiving. St Peter Chanel followed on from St John the Baptist and prepared the way for Christ to grow in the hearts of the people in Futuna.
Pompallier - KIA NUI TE AROHA
Named after Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier, the Marist priest who came from France to be the first Catholic Bishop of New Zealand. Pompallier spoke Maori fluently and wrote the hymn we often sing ‘Mo Maria’. He was present at the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in 1840 and argued for the clause guaranteeing religious freedom. This action reminds us of our Mercy values of Justice and Respect for Human Dignity.

Our School House Captains
We believe all students should have the opportunity to develop leadership capacity through skills and qualities centred on the servant leadership model of Jesus.
Our school is split into the four Houses;
Chanel - Red - Jackson and Kadyn
Maher - Yellow - Matthew and Laurielle
McAuley - Blue - Solomon and Evi
Pompallier - Green - Shaan and Maryjoi
Towards the end of each year our Year 5 Boys and our Year 7 girls are encouraged to put their names forward for the roles of House or Deputy House Captains for the following year. The House and Deputy House Captains are encouraged to enhance house/school spirit and maximize student involvement in all whole school activities showing the Mercy Values. The House Captains are also involved in leading whole school Assemblies on Friday afternoons.
Introducing our 2025 House Captains: