St Anne's Catholic School

Our school is well recognised for its Special Catholic Character, the high quality of the learning programmes, the high standard of children’s performance and the support received from the St Anne’s parent and parish community.


People ask me what it is that sets St Anne’s Catholic School apart – pride! Our pupils, parents and staff are proud of their school and their successes, and this is reflected in what you see both within the person and within the school. I know this because I am lucky to see our pupils and staff living our Mercy values each and every day.
We are a school who lives and breathes our motto:
Learn to Love, Love to Learn
Akona te Aroha, Arohaina te ako
As Principal, I am most proud of how our kids take responsibility for their learning – whether this is in sports, in their studies or in the Gospel, our focus is on the ‘full child’.
Our children learn to belong and achieve through rich and varied learning experiences as we prepare them to be well-rounded learners and leaders of the future. This is supported by many opportunities within and beyond the curriculum including education outside the classroom, school sports, cultural dance festival, dance, class trips, speech competitions and the hotly contested House Points Shield.
I am proud to lead a school that truly embraces our purpose:
We encourage our children to achieve their full potential, by providing high quality learning programmes, permeated by the special character of St Anne’s Catholic School.
We are proud of our staff who constantly challenge themselves to be the best they can be. They are professional, talented, reflective and caring. We are keen to provide a modern teaching and learning environment that supports our pupils to reach their potential.
Welcome to St Anne’s Catholic School.
God Bless
Glen Ryan

Our vision is for all our children to be confident life-long learners who will be able to value all cultures in the community and maintain their Catholic Faith.

Our school is well recognised for its Special Catholic Character, the high quality of the learning programmes and the high standard of children’s performance.